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Main » About Association » Charter » 7. MEMBERS OF THE ASSOTIATION


7.1. There are established  two kinds of participation in the Association:

- Full members of Association;

- The associated members of Association.


7.2. Membership Regulations are consolidated in the Association in which the rights and duties of members of Association are regulated, procedure of joining, an exit and an exception of Association.

According to this Regulations members of Association have the right:

- Gratuitously use  the service of the Association;

- To submit for consideration  of the bodies of Association offers on all questions which are the subject of activity of Association, to participate in their discussion and decision-making;

- To receive the information on an expenditure financial (including currency) means, to use in a prime order the services given by Association to specify on the forms and the seals the belonging to  the Association;

- To make payments and contributions to the Association for maintenance and forming sources of financing and regional programs realization;

- To finance and credit on conditions favorable for itself projects and the programs accepted by the Association;

- To use in full business and commercial information which is available for the Association, other types of service, rendered by the Association, and also results of its activity;

- The member of Association has the right to leave at own discretion Association upon termination of a fiscal year. In this case the full member of Association bears subsidiary responsibility under its obligations to proportionally introductory membership dues within two years from the moment of leaving.


7.3. In accordance with the Regulations of the Association members are obliged to:

-Comply with applicable law, this Charter of Incorporation, Regulations of membership in the Association and other acts adopted by the governing bodies of the Association, within their mandates;

- Take into account public opinion and social consequences of its actions while carrying out the purposes of the Association;

- Respect the interests of other partners, strictly abide the terms of agreements, contracts and agreements, to compensate damage  caused out of their fault  established by court decision;

- To contribute to the manner and amount provided by this Charter, the Statute of membership in the Association and other agreements between members and participants of the Association;

- To provide timely information to the Association, needed to address issues related to its actions;

- Not to transfer to any third party scientific and technical documentation and not to disclose confidential information obtained from the governing, executive and other bodies and officials of the Association, other members of the Association without their written consent.

- Perform other duties specified by the law, this Charter, the memorandum of Association and other acts adopted by the governing bodies of the Association as part of their mandate.


7.4. Russian legal entities, irrespective of their legal form or ownership, foreign legal entities, business and nonprofit organizations, associations, associations and unions can be full members of the Association.

Persons mentioned in this article can be members of the Association, under the condition they:

- Meet the requirements of the members of the Association in accordance with the present Charter and the Statute of members and participants of the Association;

- Recognize the Association's Charter, Regulations on the membership and participation of the Association, and other documents of the Association;

- Paid entrance fee in full, bear subsidiary liability for obligations of the Association;

- Timely pay the annual, lump sums and landing dues.


7.5. In voting each active member of the Association shall have one vote, including all its subsidiaries and affiliates. In this case, any representative of a member of the Association can take part in voting only by virtue of their official position or power of attorney of a member of the Association which he represents.


7.6. Individual entrepreneurs, russian legal entities, irrespective of their legal form or ownership, foreign legal entities, business and nonprofit organizations, associations, associations and unions can be associate members of the Association.

Associate members of the Association are eligible to participate in all activities, with a deliberative vote right. They may participate in discussions and debates, to argue their points of view and position, make suggestions and recommendations, to obtain information about the activities of the Association, its governing bodies, the performance of funds.


7.7. Associate members of the Association do not perform duties on making entry and the target contribution, on electing the governing bodies of the Association and the subsidiary liability of the Association.


7.8. Members of the Association, who has joined the Association in its activities, are subject to all rules, governing rights, duties and responsibilities of all the other members of the Association under the laws of the Russian Federation, the Association's Regulations on the membership of the Association and other internal documents of the Association.


7.9. Damage Caused to the Association by the fault of its members shall be compensated in full according to a  decision of the General Meeting of the Association, just in case if a court finds such damage, except cases of voluntary compensation.


7.10. The Association is not a higher authority in relation to its members and has only those powers and perform those functions that are voluntarily delegated to the Association by its members.


7.11. To fulfill its functions and powers the Association may establish the scientific, information, publishing and advertising centers, legal service, regional and foreign missions and other relevant units and structures within its frames.


7.12. Admission to membership in the Association is made on the basis of the statement released to the Association to the President of the Association, and the documents specified in the Regulations of the membership in the Association. Association experts analyze the documents and submit its opinion to the General Meeting of the Association, which decides on admission to the Association and shall make the decision to the members of the Association at the next meeting. The general meeting of members is final and not appealable.

The decision to admit a new member of the Association is adopted by the General Meeting of the Association not later than 3 (three) months from the date of application, unanimously by all members of the Association.

The decision about a full membership shall enter into force upon the payment in the prescribed manner and in a timely entrance fee, annual fee and taking on subsidiary liability for the activities of the Association.

The decision about an associate membership in the Association shall enter into force upon the payment in the prescribed manner and in a timely annual fee.

Information about the organizations admitted to membership of the Association, reported at the next General Meeting of the Association.


7.13. Membership in the Association can not be transferred to third parties.


7.14. Withdrawal from the Association can be made at the request of a member of the Association by submitting a written request to President of the Association at any time at his discretion.

The President shall, within two months from the date of receipt of the application consider the application of a member of the Association of withdrawal, to inform other members of the Association about this and make a statement at the General Meeting of the Association.

General Meeting of the Association decides to withdraw a person from membership, or members of the Association in accordance with the Regulations for membership in the Association.

Active member of the Association, came out of it at his discretion, shall bear subsidiary liability for its obligations in proportion to their introductory membership fee for two years from the date of withdrawal or expulsion from the Association.


7.15. Liquidation or reorganization of the Association does not stop the activities of the Association.


7.16. A member may be expelled from the Association by decision of the General Meeting of the Association, adopted unanimously by the President of the Association in case:

- Systematic non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their duties, including in the case of delay in payment of an annual, lump-sum or target fee of the membership for a period exceeding 30 days;

- Obstructing with their actions (or inaction) for the normal operation of the Association;

- not attending more than twice the general meeting of members of the Association without good reason, subject to the  observance of the regulations of its convocation;

- Liquidation or reorganization of the member or members of the Association through a merger, affiliation, separation or division;

- Violation of the Charter, internal documents of the Association or the commission of improper actions in relation to the Association;

- Violations of Russian legislation and international laws and regulations in foreign economic activity.

An expulsion is made by the general meeting of the Association.

All members, as well as other interested persons are informed about the  expulsion of members of the Association

During the expulsion of members of the Association, the powers of the representatives of these organizations in the management and control bodies of the Association shall be terminated.

Active member of the Association, excluded from it shall bear subsidiary liability of his obligations in proportion to their introductory membership fee for two years from the date of expulsion from the Association.


7.17. Volume, order and terms of payment of admission, quarterly, targeted, one-time membership fee are determined by the General Meeting of the Association.

In case of exit or expulsion of members of the Association a refund of contributions is not made.


7.18. Volume, order and dates of admission, annual, targeted, one-time membership fee after the establishment of the Association shall be established by the General Meeting of the Association, adopted unanimously, and can be changed by the General Assembly at the proposal of any member of the Association, President of the Association not more than twice in a calendar year.


7.19. The General Meeting of members of the Association may provide additional non-recurrent and / or target membership dues. The order, timing and volume of the lump-sum payment of additional dues or trust is determined on the basis of the decision of the General Meeting of the Association, adopted unanimously.


7.20. The entrance and annual membership dues are used for the maintenance of the apparatus of the Association, payment of wages and compensation, travel expenses, purchase of necessary equipment, furniture, appliances, transport vehicles, office equipment, etc., payments and compensation to the President of the Association, executive secretary, purchasing programs and literature , the cost of the General Meetings of the Association, the funding approved by the General Meeting of projects and activities, training and staff development of the Association, charity, etc.


7.21. Target and non-recurring membership fees are earmarked for specific activities, projects and programs of the Association, not
secured by the current financial plan based on membership fees. One-time membership fee may be directed to charity, to develop research centers and institutions, run analysis and research, monitoring, improve the qualification of  staff members of the Association, holding exhibitions, seminars, conferences and participation, development of methodologies, standards and regulations for the control of security products. The list is not exhaustive and may be supplemented by sets of activities and programs approved by the General Meeting of the Association.


7.22. Contributions are paid in cash. Payment of contributions in securities, other property and moral rights or other rights having monetary value, is possible only by the General Meeting decision. Price made by the property valued in rubles by agreement between the Association and the General Meeting.

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