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About Association:

The additional information:

of Producers and Importers
of Crop and Livestock Products
About Association » Charter » 3. PROPERTY AND FUNDS of The ASSOCIATION


3.1. The Association may own or have in the operational management buildings, facilities, housing, equipment, inventory, cash in rubles and foreign currency, capital issues and other assets, as well as ownership or perpetual use land, ownership and non-property rights different kinds of patents, etc.

Sources of the Association’s property are:

- Regular and lump sum contributions from members;

- Voluntary property contributions and donations;

- Dividends (profits, interest) earned on shares, bonds, other
capital issues and deposits, as well as from investments in statutory capital of enterprises and organizations;

- Income from property of the Association;

- Other receipts not prohibited by law.


3.2. Structure, purpose, size and order of formation and direction of spending of the funds determined by the General Meeting of the Association.

3.3. The Association uses the transferred property of the Association, rents the property for the organization and implementation of the charter of the Association within the frames of on going business activity. 

3.4.The Association has the ownership of the funds, property and other objects of property transferred by entities or individuals in the form of a donation, grant or donation.

3.5. In the manner prescribed by law the Association maintains its accounting, tax and statistical reporting.

3.6. The Association makes the necessary contributions to the budget in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.7. Property of the Association shall be used exclusively for the implementation of the statutory objectives of the Association and may not be distributed among members of the Association or others.

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